Het vakgebied Software Testen maakt gebruik van een internationaal jargon, waar de International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) een rol speelt in het handhaven van een consistente uitleg van de termen en begrippen. We hebben voor u een doorzoekbaar mechanisme gerealiseerd waarmee u niet alleen de woorden kunt vinden, maar ook de definities ervan kunt doorzoeken.
Mocht u een begrip of definitie missen, laat het ons dan weten.
Standard Glossary of Terms used in Software Testing
Er zijn 7 termen in deze lijst die beginnen met de letter N.
N-switch coverageThe percentage of sequences of N+1 transitions that have been exercised by a test suite. [Chow]
N-switch testingA form of state transition testing in which test cases are designed to execute all valid sequences of N+1 transitions. [Chow] See also state transition testing.
negative testingTests aimed at showing that a component or system does not work. Negative testing is related to the testers’ attitude rather than a specific test approach or test design technique, e.g. testing with invalid input values or exceptions. [After Beizer].
non-conformityNon fulfillment of a specified requirement. [ISO 9000]
non-functional requirementA requirement that does not relate to functionality, but to attributes such as reliability, efficiency, usability, maintainability and portability.
non-functional test design techniqueProcedure to derive and/or select test cases for nonfunctional testing based on an analysis of the specification of a component or system without reference to its internal structure. See also black box test design technique.
non-functional testingTesting the attributes of a component or system that do not relate to functionality, e.g. reliability, efficiency, usability, maintainability and portability.